Noble Park Anglers Club

46-56 Moodemere St, Noble Park VIC 3174

(03) 9546 9978


Merrimbula 2011:

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Dick Parry looking at our photo on the advertising board, from the previous trip with our great catch.

This trip, there were not as many fish but a good time was had by all. The winds and the moon were not right!! Saturday was very rough – only fished for a couple of hours and this time was made up on Monday morning. Three three people helped with the burly !!! Saturday night, we had our catch for dinner: A variety of fish, mowong, coral trout, nunigai, leather jacket, rainbow rasse and some osyters – very nice. Sunday we went marlin fishing, very interesting!! But none – maybe 1 hit?? We caught some strippy tuna, only good for bait, but good fun.

Noble Park Anglers Club is an affiliated club of NOBLE PARK FOOTBALL SOCIAL CLUB.

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